One of the major problems in Philadelphia is the public school system. The people whom I worked for this week love living in the city, but they are 1.5 years from sending their oldest child to kindergarten. They have no viable options for a public school, and private school was too expensive. Even though they have lived in this house for 6 years, they have to move to the suburbs just for the schools. This is where I come in.
There are two options when you prepare your house for sale. Either paint the rooms in colors that you hope prospective buyers will like, or you can give it a whitewash so the new buyers can pick their own colors. These folks chose the whitewash.
Here are before and after pictures of their kitchen:
Kitchen before |
Kitchen after |
The owners of this house made may changes and repairs throughout the years. It was our job to finish those changes and made the house presentable. I'm sure you can see the spackled area around the outlet at the bottom left. Repairs like this were needed all over the house, which prompted the call to me.
One more thing about this job. Their realtor suggested a color called Mascarpone (AF-20) from Benjamin Moore. DO NOT USE AF-20 Mascarpone. It is a painter's nightmare! It took 4 coats in some areas for it to cover properly. Off-whites should be much easier. Rule #1: Do not take color recommendations from a realtor. Realtors do not paint; they sell houses.
I am returning to this house tomorrow to do some exterior painting. I'll post photos if I can remember the camera.